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Embrace your curls

Photo credit: Sherry


Q: Can you tell us what prompted you to start your Instagram page, The Curls Guide?

A: I never liked my hair growing up. In fact, I can go as far as to say I hated it and consistently wanted to shave it off. I had a Britney Spears breakdown moment when I was 15 and cut it all off.

I used to straighten it every day until it was absolutely fried. And I would always wonder why God would punish me with curls that would break my hairbrush, never wanted to respect me and caused me so much grief.

I always wished I had straight hair because it was what I believed was the standard of beauty. I praise God that I was eventually backhanded with the realization that I am fearfully and wonderfully made - and that includes this crown of curls!

It took a lot of years to embrace the hair I’d been blessed with. But once I did, it was the most beautiful journey of learning how to love it and wear it with confidence.

Since then, I’d constantly get asked by girls, especially younger girls (who more often than not hate their hair) on how I handle and style my curls. It became my absolute mission to teach them how to love, manage and embrace their hair. But even more than that, I’ve made it my mission to show them that not only are they crowned by their curls, but that their royalty extends so much further because they are daughters of the King.

Q: What has been your biggest highlight?

A: Honestly, the biggest highlight is when I receive messages from girls telling me they’re going to begin taking care of their hair because they’ve been encouraged through my page . . . I cry every time haha!

There is no greater achievement for me than when I feel that I’m genuinely helping someone on their journey. But even more than that is when I feel I’m helping them on their spiritual journey. The moment they realize that they are so much more than their hair is when I truly feel accomplished.

Q: How do you navigate through self-comparison and negative thoughts and maintain your confidence?

A: This is a really great question.

Comparison is the thief of joy and social media can well and truly be the breeding ground for it.

Every now and then I do struggle by comparing myself to someone I believe is more successful, prettier, thinner, etc. than me on social media.

When I have those thoughts, I quickly remind myself of these three things:

1. Everyone is on their own unique path and journey. You can never get caught up looking left or right in the race of life, you must continue facing forward, in your own lane, at your own pace.
2. Someone else’s beauty never takes away from your own.
3. Never seek the approval of people, you will always be disappointed. Seek instead the approval of God. His is the only one that matters.

In regards to negativity, as my page has been growing, I’ve been getting more exposed to a variety of people and have been coming across quite prominent opinions of people. At times, quite negative criticism.

At first, it really did take me back. I felt discouraged. I felt like I wasn’t good enough and was really second-guessing myself. I then picked myself up and reminded myself of who I am and whose I am. I remind myself that my identity is rooted in Christ, not the opinions of others.

My confidence remains because of this truth. God will always remind me that I am good enough, worthy, valuable and filled with purpose!

As long as I feel that this page is fulfilling the purpose I feel God has put on my heart, then nothing and no one can shake that - Isaiah 54:17.

Q: What kind of collaborations you would like to do in the future?

A: I would absolutely love to do collaborations with other curly hair bloggers where we discuss not only our curly hair routines, but the important underlying issues around natural hair and why so many of us felt (and feel) the difficulty to embrace it.

This is something I’m currently working on with a really great friend I’ve made in the natural hair community. Her name is Mandy (@thecurlcomplex), who has genuinely played a big part in helping me embrace my hair.

My other dream would be to collaborate with some of my favourite brands that have played a major role in helping me manage and style my hair by making incredible products. The biggest one for me would be Bounce Curl. It was really the brand that started me out with my journey and had the game-changer in products.

Their CEO is also one of the most incredible boss ladies, Merian Mismmo. I’ve learnt so much through her and it is most definitely one of my goals to collaborate with her brand one day (and thank her).

Q: What are some final thoughts you would like to encourage the reader with?

A: I’d love to encourage them that they are valued, worthy, purpose-filled and beautiful.

I urge them to always work to develop their inward being rather than fixating on their outward appearance.

Looks will fade, but inward beauty will always radiate.

If you’re reading this, I want you to know that there is a reason you woke up today, that God has amazing plans for your life and that nothing and no one can stop that.

Don’t worry about what people say. Stay focused on what God says about you. Don’t root your identity in anything that can be taken away from you. Place it in God, the one who made you. The one who truly knows you on a level that no one else can or ever will know you.

He loves you, He adores you and He is proud of you.

If you’re a fellow curly girl, crown yourself with the beautiful head of hair that God has blessed you with. Wear it with confidence. You are fearfully and wonderfully made. God didn’t make any mistakes or try to punish you when He gave you your curls (although I know it can feel like that sometimes, especially when your hairbrush breaks for 35th time).

Your hair is beautiful and so are you. Don’t ever for one second forget it.


You can follow Sherry on her Instagram page: @thecurlsguide

Sherry has also shared a very personal story on this blog:

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